In the early church, believers were empowered to confront demonic spirits through the name of Jesus. The Book of Acts records several cases of the apostles casting out demons and healing people with spiritual oppression. Many deliverance ministers point to these accounts to affirm that ministry of deliverance is biblical and a necessary part of Christian ministry. However, this perspective on deliverance can lead to spiritual dangers. It can also confuse the biblical teaching on evangelism and spiritual warfare.
It is important to realize that the ability to cast out demons is a gift that each believer receives through faith in Christ. This is why we need to carefully examine this area of ministry. It is not for everyone, and there are some serious concerns involved in a ministry of deliverance.
A ministry of deliverance can be dangerous if there is not enough focus on Jesus and His gospel. It can also be easily distorted if the ministry does not recognize that salvation is the only way that we can be free from the demons. In addition, there is a tendency for those in a ministry of deliverance to stray from the Scriptural doctrine on salvation and Christian authority.
Many people who seek the services of a deliverance minister are already Christians. These individuals often have a history of occult practices, sexual abuse and/or severe psychological trauma. Many of them have been led astray by false teachers and have a deep longing to be free from the bondage they are experiencing.
If we approach the issue of deliverance without this understanding, it is easy to manipulate these individuals and take advantage of their vulnerability. The Scripture warns us against the evil of seeking power through signs and wonders (see Matthew 6:24). Deliverance ministry can become a self-serving religion that seeks to bring its own glory.
It is also important to remember that even if a person is delivered from demons, they may still be spiritually sick and need to be baptized in the Spirit. It is not unusual for these people to need repeated deliverance sessions. This can be due to a lack of ongoing prayer and worship, the need for inner healing and repentance or the presence of demons that have not been completely expelled.
A true believer in Jesus must be ready to accept God's salvation and freedom from sin before they can be released from the control of demons. During the deliverance session, the individual must be willing to surrender their life to Christ and renounce their occult past. In addition, they must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is anchored in daily Bible reading and prayer. If these conditions are not met, they will likely revert back to their former ways and become subject again to demonic influence. This is why it is so important to follow the counsel of the Holy Spirit and only perform a ministry of deliverance when it is needed and anointed by the Lord.
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